PM Tshering Tobgay's talk at Sherubtse College

Prime minister started his speech with asking a quedtion to all the sherubtse students that during the rainy season did we feel cold? "Thimphu whereas had a snowfall and other parts of the country it rained, sometimes it rained and sometimes it snowed, this is the sign if a good year" said his excellency the Prime Minister of Bhutan.

Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay also shared the brief history of our country. From the 1st Tibetan invasion led by Tsang desi of Ralung which attacked our dzongs like Semtokha and Paro till the 5th Tibetan invasion with the combined forces of Mongolian army at the Punakha dzong all with the motive for the Rang jung khartshapani.

His excellency also shared the history of our country with the students of sherubtse, how the brillant kings of Bhutan passed down our soverginity from one generation to another. "From our 1st king till King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck our ancestors have given us the gift of soverignity and this same gift shoulf be given to the next generation" said the Prime Minister smiling.

Prime Minister also talked about our neighbouring countries and the growing population. He said " Neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and India has a huge population and he said that he was worried for our country with a small population of 7,50,000 whereas other countries with millions of population had many workers to boast their economic growth. Even if some of them do not work, it do not matter because they have other millions laying around to substitute those workers but in our case we do not have enough workers to subsittute. All of us should work really hard like there is no tommoro and further pass down our soverginity to the next generation.
